I made an announcement the other day that I would be converting to WordPress after having the idea planted in my head that it would be better! :-)

Apparently it's a common thing most bloggers have to consider and I guess it was finally my turn to have to make that decision too. Some of you asked me what's the difference and here's an article which lists all the differences way better than I can! Haha :-) One of the reasons I was convinced to switch was because I had this fear that Google would shut my blog down. It's a really rare case but it happens... and they don't provide you a reason for it too! I also wanted to switch because of the fancy themes and plug-ins WordPress has to offer...

After receiving comments from other bloggers and my friends and family... and testing out the available functions WordPress has to offer... I realized that Blogger is serving all the purposes I need it for right now! Plus, it's actually quite a hassle to convert over to WordPress...

With that being said, I think I'll pause on that idea!!!

(Photos c/o Facebook's Bitstrips App!)
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