On Friday, my nose was completely stuffed and I was not able to taste anything!!!

I mean, since I can't taste anything... it's good for my mom because I helped her finish up some stale bread!!! My mom advised me to take a nap after I got home from school on Friday and I was like, "Mmmhmm...." :-)

Little did she know that Kalene and I had already made plans on Friday night... even if we were already hanging out during our second period spare that day... Heh.. heh.. heh.. :-)

This is how Kalene's mom expects her to drive...


I got back in time to hang with Jeremy, Jess and David for lunch and we all had a two hour lunch to kill!!! Ok... well actually... three out of four of us had a class third period but we all knew it was going to be work periods!

Jess was giving me such a cute expression for a photo until David said, "Yo Jess, hold this." HAHAHA

We were debating what we should do in the meantime, like we could either go to each other's houses... try to climb a tree....

(After watching David, nUH Uh.)

or go to the nearby plaza to find something to do! Jeremy and Jess started saying how they were craving for ice cream sandwiches so we decided to go to the nearby plaza to get ...ice cream sandwiches!!! I was excited... until I realized...


No where sold the ice cream sandwiches at the plaza so we went to the convenience store and substituted for something else. I was going to get a Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar until...

I SAW THE FIRECRACKER POPSICLE! AH!! I was so obsessed with this as a kid!

We just laid around and listened to the songs on my phone and... it was a little embarrassing when they saw I had some old Hilary Duff songs... Heh.. heh.. heh.. She'll always be maaaa idol. :-)

I was debating whether it was even a good idea to eat a cold Popsicle while I was sick... BUT YOLO RIGHT?!?!?!! :-)

Speaking of being sick, I actually think I got my friend David sick that day... but to be honest, I think he was just faking it...

I mean... who looks that good wearing my sunglasses when they're sick?!?!?!! HAHAHA Ha ha!

I'm just kidding David - don't flatter yo self! :-)

Alessia left half her English class and picked us up to go back for last period... and there was barely anyone in my class for math... it was literally a homework period!!!

I was waiting for the day to end to go home and get ready to hang out with my gurl Kalene for the night! I had no idea that I would be coming home and opening an envelope that would make me tear up! Hehe :-)

After I told Kalene the great news, her mouth dropped and she immediately said, "WE'RE GOING TO CELEBRATE TONIGHT!!!"

We went to Sherway to eat some Chinese food, attempt to look for prom shoes, booked a prom make-up artist for me... and y'know... to congratulate myself... I picked up a silk dress at Aritzia. Heheheh :-)

The night ended great with us jamming at every red light, singing our lungs out in the car... that Kalene got so into it, she wasn't even holding on to the steering wheel at one point!!!!!!!! AHHHH!

She's actually a really good driver though and when it does get serious on the road, she'll be like "Ok, time for Mama side of Kalene to come out." HAHAHA So cute.

Lately I have been like, "I'm not about dat lyfe..."

but I was totally about that life for Friday!!!
You look like you had tons of fun! Now I'm craving Chinese food and popsicles!
Omg i am obsessed with those sunglasses that your friend David was wearing aha! Where are they from?
Omg, I'm always craving them!!! Hahaha x
Thanks Julia! They're from Urban Outfitters! :-) x
Thanks for dropping by and of course! :-) x