I actually thought I would have this day all to myself since I have plans for everyday this week. (I can't believe I finally have a life!! Hollaaa) Jessie snapchatted me at noon to see if I was free for a few hours because we still needed to exchange our belated Christmas presents with each other. If I had to choose between opening the fridge every hour or spending time with my Jessie..

Ohhhh you already know the obvious answer!!! Let me give you a quick break down of what happened when she walked through my front door. We hugged, exchanged, I opened, I squealed, we hugged, she opened, she squealed and we hugged once more! I've been looking for a scarf for a while and she bought me the softest wool scarf from Zara! Ahhh.. my heart fluttered. So in lalalalove.

As for her gift, I surprised her (or sorta did) with bow clips she had asked from American Apparel! It made me so happy to see her put them in her hair immediately and instagramming one in her hair too! Too cute! We went for a walk around my neighbourhood afterwards and even though it was pretty chilly, the sun still worked in our favour for photos! I was gawking at how pretty Jessie looked in the photos I was taking of her and meanwhile, this girl kept insisting to take photos of me! Wtf??

I usually tell my friends that it's okay because I like being behind the camera but then Jessie reminded me something that I always seem to forget - it's my blog.

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