So this year, I work with a grade six class for my teaching placement! I'm SO happy a classmate of mine was also assigned to the same grade because we get to plan and teach lessons together!!! We have just started introducing the students to their first science unit on flight!
I ain't gonna lie... when we were creating the first lesson for them, all of the material was new to us too!! We didn't know what the four forces were either... or the three laws of flight... or the basic parts of an airplane... LOL
Last month, I had shown all of my students how to set up their very own blog to support and share their learning!! (And here's a link to my other blog that I've designed for my students!) With that being said, you can actually check out one of my student's blog to read more in detail about what I taught them last week!! ;)
As for this week, we wanted to extend on what they had learned so far and wanted to make our lesson more hands-on! We asked the students to make a particular airplane, predict how it would fly when a certain flap was folded, go outside to test their model and record their observations! My friend and I were so shocked at how much these kids enjoyed our lesson on Friday and how they even applauded and acknowledged us for all the effort we have put in!
Teaching can be sooo rewarding!
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