Ahhhh!!!!!!! It's not sinking in that today was my last day of classes and I have no final exams this semester! The only thing I have to worry about now is finishing up my teaching placement and hosting my final installation!!!

I have been pretty quiet about this installation that I've been working on for the past four months, so let me fill you guys in on what I've been up to! For my digital media course, I had to work with 9 group members (Umm.. basically my whole class! LOL) to create an interactive experience for a large space.

There were many proposals and prototypes put forward by our class last semester. We voted and decided to move ahead with a game that brings together people of all ages and backgrounds, and creates a place for playing!

We were going to redesign the game of... TAG!! It essentially involves one or more players chasing other players in an attempt to change the colour of the light on their suit by tagging them!

We all voted to move forward with this idea because it sounded like a simple thing to create. And boyyyy... were we wrong! LOL

Last week, we were even considering of showcasing our final project in May because we couldn't get the stinkin' code to work! Daniel (not my boyfriend Daniel) finally had a breakthrough and found the error in the code after using six MacBooks to debug it! Cray crayyy!!

While Daniel worked heavily on the code, some of us worked alongside the theatre department to create all of the suits for the game. We're seriously so thankful for their help!

And if you're wondering what my role is... I was selected as the communications director because of my blog!!! I'm basically in charge of our websites, photos and promotional material. :)

We've spent weeks testing out gadgets, coding the logic, sewing on lights, finding audio, designing the housing for our electronics and creating visuals. And it's really amazing to see all of our hard work finally falling into place this week!

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