My adorable little niece turned two months old today!!! And I don't know how I feel about that. Like I'm kinda emotional, but kinda excited?? I see her at least twice a week, but she's growing up so fast that I feel like she's a new person every time! I've decided to start a new segment on my blog called,

This is where I share all the little tidbits that I've learned about her for the month! So without further ado, here we go!!! After Mya turned one month old, she
- Gets scared of looking at her own reflection in the mirror.
- Always sneezes twice in a row.
- Likes to nap to this R&B playlist.
- Can't get enough of the songs, "Bingo" and "Wheels on the Bus."
- Enjoys staring at bright things, like chandeliers, windows and spot lights.
- Loves staring at the artwork in her living room.
- Enjoys cuddling with her dada.
- Has a lot of fomo when her auntie comes over.
- Likes to be held upright.
- Doubled her birth weight!! She was born 4lbs 12oz!!
That's all friends, stay tuned for next month's update!!!!
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