Things that made me smile this week was getting an extra slice of carrot cake for free!
After school today, I treated Jess to a drink at Second Cup. I also wanted a slice of carrot cake and I offered to buy her one but she didn't want me to buy it for her. So when I was paying (I knew the cashier, by the way) I asked for two slices but Jess was like, "No!" so I was only charged for one slice of cake but she actually put two slices on the plate for me!!!! :-)
The other things that made me smile this week was going to co-op of course!

To be honest, getting hours isn't my motivation for going to co-op. They make me happy!!!

Guess what! This week, I got to see my grade three teacher there! (By the way, I didn't go to this elementary school that I'm doing my co-op at!) What a small world, right? My grade three teacher retired so now she's being a supply teacher at various schools. She actually helped me so much in deciding which high school to go to! :-) I was about to get into I.B...
Other things that made me smile this week... was being chosen to design the tickets for my school's play,
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