Today, I will share two of the BEST recipes I have ever stumbled upon!!! I'm not exaggerating here guys! They're so good that even my sister and brother in law approves and they're the toughest critics when it comes to my baking! (He's technically not my brother in law yet but we all know how their relationship will play out!!! Hehehehe :-))

It's so good that my good ol' friends, Saffie and Lana were moaning in the halls!!! Hahaha Oh yeah... and Maddy claimed that it's honestly the best thing she has ever eaten! I don't know if she's telling the truth... or she never ate that many food in her life... either way.. it makes my tummy happy!!! :-)

All you need are THREE ingredients and no oven! Just a fridge. Yup! You start by crushing some Oreos,

mix it with some cream cheese,

and dip it in melted white chocolate! That's it! That's the secret recipe! It's simple but these Oreo Truffles are so... what do you call it? Gourmet!!!!! They're creamy, sweet, and heavenly! This is probably my runner up favourite recipes to make - after my favourite banana cake, of course. :-) Here's the recipe!
I traded Maddy my Oreo Truffles for her addicting Peppermint Chocolate Bark! Look at those pretty things! Thanks Madeleine!!! :-)

Now, I will show you what I baked last night!!! :-) This was the first baked good I think my sister ever ate of mine... and that says a lot guys!!!! Hahaha

I baked my Nutella cupcakes again but this time I tweaked it a bit! I shared it with my same three peeps today and their reactions were priceless!!! Here's a quick tutorial on how to bake tasty-chocolate-cupcakes-to-impress-people-who-are-tough-to-impress. :-)

Combine a little bit of sugar and some flour in a bowl!

Add some cocoa!

Ah... cocoa!!!!

Sprinkle some baking powder, baking soda and salt! Mix it altogether! :-)

Crack some eggs .. or one egg! I split the recipe in half. :-) I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a piece of the shell in the bowl... Wah!

Pour a bit of milk!

Mix it again! :-)

Here's the one strange thing the recipe asked for. Boiling hot water. The batter will become SO THIN and watery but trust me, it's all gonna be good!!!

I also bought some new wintery cupcake cups to bake these babies in! :-)

Pour it in the cuppies and pop it in the oven!

Meanwhile, I finished making the Nutella frosting until...

my cupcakes were done!!! Aren't they so ugly?!!! :-) I'm sure I poked them several times to see if they were well cooked!

Wait until they're cool before you frost them... because I sorta didn't... but Ryan was so willing to help me eat them! Hahaha I also sprinkled some Oreo crumbs! :-)

So... the actual recipe asked for a teaspoon of vanilla... and I ran out! For the replacement...

I placed a piece of Mars bar in the center and that was the best substitute ever!!! The caramel was just oozing out and oh gosh...

Lana could not stop telling me how much she enjoyed these during math class today!!! :-) So happy, so so so happy! Here's the recipe for the Nutella cupcakes and the frosting recipe I used!
Before I end this post, I would like to leave a message for my parents who suddenly left for Vietnam on the day of my semi.
Hi Mom and Dad, I miss you guys but don't worry okay!!! You don't need to call us everyday because.. we're surviving here! We're able to look after ourselves and we're able to feed ourselves too!!! We're not eating fast food everyday. Ok.. maybe we did on Sunday..

and Monday...

but not today!!! We made some homemade pasta! :-)

Love you and see ya on Chrismas!!!

Now I'm off to finish my cup of tea and homework! Oh yeah, I've decided that with whatever I bake, I will give it to one random person in the hallway from now on.
Everybody loves surprises, right?!!
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