I used to think that cameras with the highest megapixels will guarantee you with the best photos! The first camera that my parents bought me was a 7.0 megapixels digital camera! Two years later, they bought me a camera with double the megapixels and I noticed a significant difference in the quality! With that being said, when I was on the hunt for the camera I use now, I was mainly looking for a camera with a super high number of megapixels for an affordable price!
When I finally bought my DSLR a few months ago, the first thing I realized when I took photos was how the background would become blurry and had a bokeh effect when I zoomed in on certain subjects! Since then, I have been obsessed with focusing on certain subjects!!!! After a while, I started noticing the amount of noise in the background and that was when I realized that the number of megapixels you have on your camera only plays a factor in producing great photos.
The lens actually play a crucial role too!! I started searching around and asking other photographers about the lenses they recommend and most of them recommend the one I BOUGHT YESTERDAY!!! This lens is super popular and I can see why,
it's one of Canon's lowest priced lenses but it does a pretty great job at making beautiful bokeh!!!
I have been eyeing these lenses for the past few weeks and I couldn't have picked a better day to buy it than on the day of our family barbecue! :-)

Besides purchasing new lenses, I also purchased a few bottles of bubbles for my little cousins to play with!! Hehe :-)

With the purchase of my new lenses, I couldn't stop taking photos!!!

I took photos of photos on cameras, cold Timmies,

the stickers people peeled off to give to me (If I win, I'm not sharing guys!!!!),
cute doodles,

little monkeys on trees,

and oh boy... candid moments!!!
I just die at the last photo where baby is in a karate stance because he's fed up of everyone harassing him!! Hahahaha
Once my little cousins left, all the teenagers went to the park to hang out while the older adults chilled in the backyard with their booze and chicken wings!
Many of you have asked me where I purchased the dress in my last post and it's from Brandy Melville... and so is this dress I'm wearing below! As you can see, I'm slowly starting a collection with their summer dresses... Heh heh heh :-)
We played some tennis... or tried to... it was more like one person hits it and the other one has to fetch it! I don't think we even had a game where it went back and forth more than once... Hahahah

I think once we realized Judy had taken off her flip flops to run, it was time to take a break and cool off at the park!! Hahaha

The night ended sweet with the girls beating the guys in Mario Kart, watching Miguel kick a girl in the face at the Billboards award, and a super hilarious game of Quelf!!! :-)
P.S. - Linda, you forgot the shirt Susan got for the little boys at my house!!!!
Is the title of this blog post the song from the great gatsby soundtrack? I have the CD and omg its fab xx
Bokeh is always fun to play around with when you take photographs. You can even shape your bokeh by doing DIY filters for your lens. Megapixels don't really matter much if you understand composition and lighting. Finding a great lens with a fantastic DOF can create beautiful photos as well!
Loved the t-shirt (last photo), that's hilarious!
Yes it is!!! :-) I also read your last comment Julia and yes, I do attend that school! I think I might know who your younger sister is! :-) x
Oh my gosh, you just reminded me of this cute heart bokeh I have been wanting to try!!!! Thanks Michelle! x
Lovely photos! I'm glad I found your blog. It is very nice!
Please stop by mine if you'd like!
xo Lisa
Making Life's Lemons
Amazing photos! A great camera is so key in photography but it is also the eye that is the decipher for a beautiful photo.
Emily Jenny
Stiletto Beats
She's my older sister and omg thats so cool that you know her aha :) I'm coming to that school next year! xx