I went over to Maddy's house yesterday morning to get dolled up for the vice president

of our school and Caitlin's joint birthday brunch at Spoon and Fork! We spent the afternoon indulging in all-you-can-eat sushi, organizing prom, ranting about exams and...

just enjoying each other's lovely company!

We sat under this pretty lighting piece and WOW... it finally hit me!

They are made out of spoons and forks. Clever!!! Hahaha


We pulled out the gift baskets under the table for the two birthday girls and sang them happy birthday!! They had no idea that we have made a Facebook group two weeks ago and have been planning altogether what to get them, how to gather the little gifts, who would put together the lovely baskets, and how we will surprise them!

Ahhh.. our plan was definitely well executed! We were all so glad they loved them!!! :-)

Before we departed our ways to go home to study for exams, we had to take some cute photos with the birthday girls!

As I look back at this photo, it makes me so happy to realize that I have stayed friends with the same people I was close with in grade nine!!! Amazing.

Thank you so much Caitlin and Alexandria for having me be there to celebrate your guys' 18th birthday!!!

I hope you both had a fun and memorable time.. because I sure did!!! Guess what guys...

you're both legal to buy lottery tickets now!!!! Woop woop!

We all went our separate ways after and Maddy and I went back to her place and changed into sweatpants, made dinner together (you know... not like we were stuffed from all-you-can-eat sushi...),

snuggled under her blankies with cakes and popsicles while watching a marathon of ...Twilight until midnight! I would casually doze off here and there and woke up every time Maddy tells me,

snuggled under her blankies with cakes and popsicles while watching a marathon of ...Twilight until midnight! I would casually doze off here and there and woke up every time Maddy tells me,

Happy birthday to your friends and the sushi looks delicious! I love the forks as decor! That restaurant was definitely creative.
you take great pictures darling
much love from NYC