WOW!!! I haven't had anytime to blog this week because I've literally been coming home at midnight and leaving at sunrise for FROSH WEEK @ YORK!!!

The party started to die down once hump day passed but nonetheless, it was a really great jump to the school year!!! It definitely eased all the anxiety I had for making new friends and finding my way around campus! Since I'm in the Digital Media program, I belonged to Winters College, which comprised of the Faculty of Art + Communication kids! The frosh bosses and people I met in the college are honestly so kind and welcoming ...and after two days, York already felt like home!!!!

Here were the highlights of my week:
- Dancing / Twerking / Hip thrusting / Flag waving / Rock signs
- Discovering all the heavenly fast food restaurants on my campus
- Crazy quad parties (So awkward trying to twerk with dance majors!!! Oh gawd.)
- Waking up super early for free Nutrigrain bars and (watery) Nestea (Gotta get ma money's worth!!!!!! Ja feel!)

- Meeting only five kids in my program at frosh (Click here!)
- Learning that in the last five years, there were only SEVEN GRAUDATES from my program (Crying!!!!!)
- Meeting Jaey after hearing so many great things about her through our mutual friends!
- Lastly, meeting a group of girls who I can just burp / fart / snort / spit / sing / dance / laugh in front of with!!!

Without a doubt, I think paying a hundred bucks for a sweet frosh kit, cute memories and a group of close girlfriends was so worth it!!! I'm so happy I bought memories instead of clothes,
they last so much longer.
Nice post !
I love it .
have a lovely day
xx Julien