As I have mentioned, every Monday, a group of my friends and I share the same break between our classes! The funny thing is... the only time we ever hang out together is at school, so you could pretty much say...

this friendship thing we got going on has been non-existent outside of school! We made plans numerous times but it's really hard trying to make it fit into the schedule of the eight of us! With that being said, instead of trying to make it work for all of us...

we just decided to make plans from now on and whoever could make it could just join in on the fun!

Besides going out for dinner tonight, Jaey and Madelle suggested that we visited Value Village during our usual Monday break today! In all honesty... I have never purchased a single thing in there...

so Madelle and Jaey were super eager to show all of us how to thrift!

Who knew that I would actually find a sweater in there... and in the MEN SECTION?!?

Afterwards, the five of us made our way back to school for our afternoon lectures!

Since I finished my lecture after 20 minutes because of an in-class quiz, I spent the rest of my afternoon in their lecture before...

we made our way to pho for dinner!!!

We shared spring rolls, ate some authentic Vietnamese noodles and basically sat in there for an extra hour just sharing all the important things that has happened in our lives so far!

I'm sure we could've talked for hours if the boss hadn't looked so unamused with us!!!

Since Jasmine and Kim couldn't join us earlier in the day for the Value Village visit, we decided to walk in there for the last 15 minute before closing for them to explore!

After tonight, it just made me realize that yeah.. academics are important...

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