After Daniel got off work yesterday, we checked out the Christmas Market at Distillery District!! This is our third year going together, but first time visiting on a weekday!

I'm actually glad we went yesterday because it wasn't chilly out, unlike all the other years we went!

When we arrived at the front gates, the first thing we noticed was the new Chimney Stax vendor! Even though I tried one in the summer, I didn't mind sharing another one with Daniel to let him try it for the first time! They told us that our order would be ready in half an hour, so we checked out the other new vendors as we waited.

We received free lip balms from Burt's Bees by posting a photo and tagging them on Instagram. But let's be reaaal.. no one keeps that photo up after they get their goodie!!! Hehe 😂 We also tried samples of Campbell's new soups and was asked to drop an ornament into a tank to support one of their charities.

My alarm eventually went off to let us know that it was time to pick up our Chimney Stax. I actually set my timer for 20 minutes, instead of 30, and it was already waiting for us when we got back!

This cinnamon sugary bread was so much easier to bite into than the first time I tried it! I initially wanted to go to the dessert restaurant, Cacao 70, for fondue but I realized that I could go there any time during the year. Since these food vendors are only here for a few weeks, I knew I had to take advantage of it.

Daniel and I also shared a s'mores waffle from Wafel Bar and kinda regretted it after the first bite. It looked aesthetically pleasing and we heard onlookers "oohing" as they walked by, but it was just way too sweet for us! Daniel blames me for ordering this flavour though.. say wha?! LOL

He was the one who emphasized the name while reading the menu out loud and I thought he was trying to drop hints, so I made the executive decision for us.. 😀

We browsed a few more outdoor vendors, before making our way to the knick knack store, Bergo Designs! We've been visiting this place every year because they have so many cool thingamabobs to see. I think I now have a good idea what Daniel wants for Christmas... 😂

We eventually made our way back outside to check out a few more stands before they closed up and tried to take some photos with the giant Christmas tree. We were a little bummed that we missed a photo op with Santa Claus, but then realized that they never turned out good anyways.. 😂

As I was going through these photos, I noticed that we both have a tendency of looking down?! I also noticed that it's really hard for us to get a focused or brightly lit photo together... the struggle is so real out here!! 😂

We actually enjoyed visiting Distillery on a weekday, rather than the weekend, because the wait times for food is shorter, no one rushed us to move along and admissions were free! The only downside was that there were lesser samples for us to try!! Hahaha

The Christmas Market really got me excited for the holidays!!! You can read more about our other visits here and here. Until next time! xoxo
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