After 19 years of school, it feels a bit weird knowing that Labour Day doesn't mean anything anymore. I remember I used to get butterflies or felt bummed about going back to school the next day. It really felt like my life was on pause whenever classes were in session. 😢

Now that summer is over, I realized that my routine isn't going to change! No more reading textbooks, doing assignments or studying for exams... and I am super ok with that!!! 😀

It honestly wouldn't feel like summer is ending, if I didn't pay a visit to CNE with Daniel! This year, we went with Alpha and Dillon! Funny thing is, Alpha texted me asking if we wanted to join them, while I messaged her on Facebook asking if they wanted to join us! It was a very last minute plan, which is why I coincidentally wore the same outfit when I went a year ago. 😢

Daniel and I got there before them, and played games while we waited. I somehow convinced Daniel to wait in line for 40 minutes with me to get a free bottle of ketchup with our FACES on it!!! I'm going to use this bottle and pour new ketchup in it every time I run out. I know y'all are judging me but I KNOW YOU WOULD DO THE SAME!!! Don't lie!

There were two games that Daniel couldn't get enough of. It was this bottle up game and basketball shooting game. He told me that he could careless about winning a toy and just wanted to know that he could actually do it.

He ended up not getting me any toys this year, but I was able to win myself TWO toys!!! Who needs a boyfriend, am I RIIII? Just kidding! 💞

I'm still shocked that I won a giraffe for my niece! I only had 1 in 24 chances to win this dice rolling game, and I somehow chose the winning number!!! 😄

I also won a Captain America toy by tossing a ball in a basket. Luck was clearly on my side that night! Dillon also got Alpha a Spiderman with this game and Alpha won a toy by herself with the water gun game!

Since Daniel has been winning me a toy every year, I gave him my Captain America! 😄 He'll always be a winner to meee!

I actually shot all these photos on my work camera, the Sony a7R II, because I wanted to carry something smaller and lighter. It took me a while to figure out how to work this thing, but I'm quite impressed with the quality! You'll definitely be seeing more photos from this camera. 😎
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