When my sister asked me if I was interested in checking out this new indoor lights festival with her, my brother-in-law and my baby niece earlier this month, I said yes without hesitation!

Growing up, I loved third wheeling my sister. From eating out to watching a movie, I was always there with them. LOL

Now that my niece is born, it's never a dull moment at their house! Whenever I'm done work early, that's where you'll find me!

Since we had to purchase a ticket for a specific timeslot, I was under the impression that we had to follow a path when we enter, similar to the Happy Place and HideSeek.

The concept for this place ended up being like the Aurora Winter Festival, where you're allowed to wander wherever you please and revisit the same installations.

It made me so happy when I saw my niece's face light up as soon as we entered! Pun intended. Heh

She had such a blast in there and was hopping and running around everywhere. I could barely keep up with her! LOL

This place is definitely designed for kids and those looking for a new Instagram photo! If you're planning to go, my tips would be to not wear too many layers—since there's no coat check—and to visit on a weekday if you don't want to run into so many kids!

Oh man, I can't believe it's now December! Where has this year gone?!?!?

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