My baby niece turned three this month and I still don’t know how to feel!!! We kept it low key this year and threw a very small celebration for her. Daniel and I took over the planning and even attempted to make our first balloon arch for her Minnie Mouse themed party! My sister and brother-in-law also tried to make the week leading up to the party special by singing her happy birthday with a dessert and candle daily.

I really do feel like the lockdown in March was a blessing in disguise because I got to spend almost everyday with her. It’s crazy to see how much she’s grown since then and all the milestones she hit.
She’s now dressing herself, completing sentences and rhymes in books, running at full speed, climbing onto my bed without any help, brushing her own teeth, singing the whole alphabet, rides her scooter and tricycle by herself, walking up and down the stairs on her own (to get herself a popsicle in my freezer), counting to 20, sorting things by colour, and potty trained!

She made me realize that the things I want for her are things I should also prioritize for myself, like getting fresh air, drinking more water, sleeping early, reading more books, and lessening screen time.

My friend Sarah actually made the cake and achieved my vision, which was lots of pink frosting, sprinkles and candy! I definitely think the highlights for her was having Hawaiian pizza for dinner, seeing the surprise when cutting into her cake, and popping all the balloons at the end.

Man, I didn’t think it was possible to love a little human so much. She’s curious yet cautious, sassy yet soft, energetic yet entertaining and outgoing yet observant. How did we get so lucky?!?!
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