Today Justine came over and we baked apple tarts! Remember the cute apple pies I made with Megan? Well, this time, we made it in tart form! We followed the same recipe but instead we cut out heart shapes to make our pop tarts! :-)
I also made her cinnamon bagels (I ran out of bread slices) for lunch! :-) I think cinnamon toast/bagels is my new addiction! So yummy!!! ♡
I followed this recipe, added a few blackberries, maple syrup and sprinkled some confectioner sugar! ~ It tasted so divine. ~
Justine also brought her DSLR so all these photos are professionally taken!!! I still remember how two years ago we were using my 7.0 megapixel camera! What an upgrade! Hahaha :-) This is actually my first blog post where I have professional photos! :-) Woop, woop! No big deal, no big deal.
After we stuffed our bellies, we got a bit dolled up to have a photo shoot with her camera! We've been waiting for a sunny day to take some pretty photos!
Here are some selfies while getting ready... :-)
Here are all my favourite photos we took today! It was so hard to choose just a few!
This is my first time showing my piercings! I got them done last year. :-)
I laugh at practically everything... :)
The lighting was just perfect!
My bestie is so hipstaah!
My sassyness is finally showing through my pictures...
Everything in this photo is perfect!
Thanks for a lovely day Justine!!! :* ♡
All these photos were taken with a Canon Rebel T2i!
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