I picked up a few macarons from Cake Opera Co. with Joycelyn this week! These never cease to amaze me!!! :-)
Afterwards, we both walked to a nearby Yogurty's for some froyo! I sorta have a thing for popping boba. They're so cute and squishy!!! That didn't quite fill us up so we stopped by Starbucks for some of their paninis!
It's always so nice to catch up and see Joy! ♥ I actually went to Cake Opera Co. to purchase macarons for my friend Lana! :-)
She said she never tried them before and I remember the time I posted a photo of my box of macarons on Twitter and I remember her comment!
and we had a pit stop at McDonalds before we went to...
I can't remember the last time I came here! All I remember was that I sucked at this game! I have horrible hand eye coordination so I gave everyone a heads up that I was going to be last - that didn't stop them from shooting me though!!! Hahaha
We got a good deal and got to play three games that evening! For the first round, I got 17th place (YA, I KNOW.) out of our group of friends and then I somehow magically regained myself and went up to 3rd place!!! (OH BABY!) Here's my secret: I just camped in the corner and held the trigger down. I just aimed whatever flashing light I saw and that actually worked!!! :-)
My friends came up with clever and cool names, like - error, low battery, Lana, freckles and hawk eye...
while I came up with names like - piglet, minnie mouse and LOL :) ! Hahaha :-)
Between our games we had time to cut Lana's lovely birthday cake that Lauren made!
Even though I bake often, I never tried cake fondant before until yesterday!
Thanks for inviting me Lana! :-* I hope you had a memorable time and enjoyed the macarons as much as I do! ♥
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