I made surprise visits to see my little co-op kids this week! I knew I had two months for myself this summer and I only had one more week to see these adorable faces, which meant I had to visit them soon!!!
I was so overwhelmed with joy when I saw their faces light up while running to me and screaming my name in their high voices!!! Too. Much. Cuteness. To. Handle!!!
Yesterday was their last day of school and I promised I would be there one last time! I surprised them with my homemade chocolate chip cookies!!!
It was my first time baking my own homemade chocolate chip cookies! The kids loved these chewy cookies and asked for more!!! Success, woO!!! :-)
Our last few days together were fun and memorable! I played "walking" tag with them after I told them I couldn't run in my flats. Their definition of walking is the same as running!!! The fire department also visited with their fire truck for them to explore!!! :-)
They made me so happy during my time there! I definitely played, laughed and grew! I would like to say thank you to Lijana, the school and the kids for giving me this amazing oppourtunity!!!
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