I'm sorry for the delay of this blog post my little followettes! Lately, I've been adding the ending "ette" to many words in my vocabulary. I even call my pimples "pimplettes." It makes pimples sound so much cuter.. even if they're not. :-) Yesterday I tweeted that I would post it last night but this blog post didn't feel complete yet, until today! So here it goes... this week, there were many things that made me really happy

like finding the perfect backdrop for photos with Jessie,

and baking sweet cinnamon rolls!

Look at my wittle babies glowing! No wait! I mean look at them glistening!! :-)

It also made me happy to find pretty roses in my backyard,

(even in the midst of Autumn!),

getting sweet goodies at the end of peoples' presentations in class (Aw ye!),

finally finding the missing photobooth photos I took with Joycelyn this summer,

finding new red roses to replace my dusty sunflowers,

and having English with one of my favourite people - Maddy!!! (We both have matching pearl rings which is actually considered an emblem in our families!)

I swear Maddy makes class so much more fun. I'm weird. She's weird...er - which makes us so compatible!!!
I'm also happy I get to work with Alexandria for our media assignment! We're both so driven.. and picky. Hehehe :-) Look at me working hard guys...

or hardly working... :-) After we were done, we started looking through the photos we took in the beginning of high school and let me tell you.

I just came home from probably one of the best surprises ever! My best friend Thiya had a spare last period today so she decided to wait at the park near my house with one of my favourite things ever...


I was smiling so big. My heart was smiling so big. I was just so happy! The littlest things really makes my day!!! :-) We even decided to share some with Mr. Squirrelee! She totally made his day too!!! Hahaha

These were by far the biggest macarons I ever had and they were good.

Oh who am I kidding? These are always good!!!

She also got me Arizona! I used to be so addicted to these until... until... my mom stopped buying it because it wasn't on sale anymore. :-) Thank you sooo much, Thiya!!! ♥

She also helped me take a photo of my outfit of the day! Hehe :-)

Cardigan - Mango, Dress - Talula, Shoes - DV, Bag - Rudsack

The last thing that made me smile was receiving a new sketchbook from my art teacher! Do you want to know why she gave it to me...

it's because I'm not going to school for a Bachelor of Education anymore. In other words, I woke up two days ago and realized what I wanted to do with my life... :-)
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