The one thing that stuck with me from the episode of Pretty Little Liars this week...

was what Spencer had said to her friends,
"You know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery."

I didn't exactly grasp the meaning that well but after tonight I think I finally understand it!!!

My sister's boyfriend, Ryan stayed over late tonight because he was waiting for me to finish baking the "Magic Cake." This cake has been going viral on many baking sites this month so I had to bake it to see what all this hype was about! :-)

Apparently it's this one batter cake recipe and after baking it for an hour, it comes out as three distinct layers!!! HOW IMPRESSIVE DOES THAT SOUND! The mixture was so liquid-y and I was actually so iffy when I placed it in the oven. The recipe suggested that I should place it in the oven for 60 minutes and take it out when the top was golden brown. After 30 minutes... it was golden brown... so I took it out! :-)

The outside looked all pretty... until I cut it... and it was just a mushing mess!!! I thought it tasted like custard but Riri said it tasted like waffles! He told me to put it in for another 10 minutes and it still came out as a mushing mess! However... Riri said it tasted like ice cream this time!! Hahaha

We put it in for ANOTHER ten minutes and it still came out as a mushing mess!!! He gave me a bit of hope when he said, "I'm starting to see the three layers, Cindy!"

No.. Ryan.. no!!! It's just the outer layer starting to get burnt!

On the bright side, the cinnamon rolls I baked this week turned out super well! Hehe :-) These babies literally had all my taste testers licking their fingers! They're so close to the Cinnabon recipe and... YOU JUST HAVE TO MAKE THESE.

I think this will be my go-to recipe for cinnamon buns from now on!!! :-)

I just messaged my friend Lana telling her about the bad experience I had with my Magic Cake... and she comforted me by saying...

"I'll eat it anyways."
Thank you! :-) Sure! x
Thank you! Sure :-) x
Very nice sweater :)
Besides the cinnamon roll you make looks very delicious !
Coline ♡
Oh my god.... that looks so incredible tasty *__* recipe please?! Haha
P.S Enter my giveaway and win a $100 voucher free to spend!
Ahhh! I want a Boy London sweater! Love your blog btw! :)
Hehe thank you! :-) x
Here's the recipe!
Thanks for the visit! :-)
Oh thank you!! :-) x
salute to BOY London! and those cinnamon rolls! droooool >.<
Hahaha! Thanks for dropping by! :-) x
Those cinnamon rolls look amazing!! And I love those metallic leggings :)
Caitlin @ Charmcolorfully.com
Thanks so much! :-) x