After I went to my first concert last Summer to see Frank Ocean, I didn't think I would be able to go to another concert for a while!

Well... who would have thought I would go to another concert a year later... to see... MARINA & THE DIAMONDS!!! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. My best friend found out that she was visiting Toronto and surprised me with a concert ticket inside my birthday card this year! It felt UNREAL lining up to see her yesterday! We arrived there after school and the line was packed! There were so much people lining up that there were two lines and it even extended past the bridge as well! It was craaaazy! Joycelyn managed to ask some grade 11 friends to help us save a spot since they went at 8 AM in the morning to line up! However...

when we tried to bud... these girls behind us were not pleased at all and honestly, I felt bad for them. I already knew how it felt to line up all day and it just wasn't fair. I decided that it was better to line up at the back and just have hope that we'll be close to the stage to see Marina! We had to wait two hours before entering the gate and it was the longest two hours ever!!!!!!!

It wouldn't have been bad waiting if it wasn't freezing!!! The weather has been really funky lately that my friends and I were so confused as to what to wear yesterday! It said it was going to rain and the temperature was going to drop in the evening... but we were expecting that we'll be jumping around a lot and get squished by people... so we'll be hot in the end right???

None of us brought a jacket and we were just relying on our sweaters and scarves to keep us warm and... not at all!!! It didn't help that we were standing beside a lake either! We just hugged each other and we eventually realized why people were sitting on the ground... it actually makes you a bit warmer! Y'know... even though we complained about how cold it was... Amina and I still got ice cream while waiting in line! Hehehehe :-)

Once they let us entered through the gates, everyone RAAAAAN to the stage! It was literally first come first serve! The security told us to relax and just walk and assured us that we'll be able to see but once we walked past them... Joycelyn, Emmett and I dashed!!! My flats fell off and I ended up running barefoot in the sand! Eeek!!!

We were so happy how close we got to the stage, given that we only waited for two hours!!!! We had to wait another hour for everyone to get in the gates before the concert started and in the meantime, we made new friends... and there was drama...

this girl wouldn't stop taking off her pants to pee! I'm sure she wasn't sober... she peed like three times before the security took her out. Honestly, I gotta thank her for that

because she caused everyone to panic... which meant the crowd started pushing... PUSHING US CLOSER TO THE STAGE! WOO HOO!!!! :-)

I never thought I would be so happy for being so tiny because I was able to weave my way through to the 6th row!!!! Hell ya!

Charlie XCX opened for Marina and she was so good, SO GOOD!!!! If you don't know who she is, she wrote this super catchy song!!!

Oh by the way! You're not allowed to bring professional cameras so all of these photos were taken with my digital camera! Here are some of my favourite shots when my hands were not shaking or wiggling in the air!!!! Hehehe :-)

She's so hot. I mean, she sings good but her body was bangin'! She totally got the crowd amped up for Marina!

After Charlie performed, we had to wait about half an hour before...


Oh my gosh. The crowd was CRAAAAZY! There were so many phones and cameras busting out and a whole lotta pushing!!! I thought her album was amazing but she's SO MUCH MORE AMAZING LIVE. So in love with her voice. Her songs. Her album. HER!!!!

We were being pushed side to side and it actually felt like we were all swaying together at one point!!! Hahahah! Dean kept getting in my way so the only way I could get photos of her was between his arms!

We were all belching out her tunes, swaying our hands, jumping up and down and I HAD A BLAST!!!! SO MUCH FUN! WOO! If you never been to a concert, I really urge you to go see your favourite artist perform because it's really an unforgettable experience!

Besides singing, Marina talked to us... drank some Whiskey with us and gave out free things!!! My friend, Emmett was one of the lucky ones who caught the glowing beach ball that she threw out in the crowd!!!!!!

She performed all my favourite songs from her Electra Heart's album and I was literally dying!!!!! I gotta thank my best friend Joycelyn for helping me take some awesome shots while I boogied!

Marina, you were SO WORTH standing in the freezing cold and rain for!!! Definitely. I also gotta thank Maddy and Joycelyn for being the first ones to introduce me to Marina & the Diamonds and for forever changing my life!!!

Although I wasn't in the first row like my last concert, I loved where I stood last night because it gave me the perfect angles for all these photos! With that said, I like these a whole lot more than the ones I took for Frank Ocean!

The night ended perfectly with pink confetti, late night Timmies, chicken wings, awesome friends AND LOTS OF PHOTOS THAT WILL HELP ME RELIVE THE NIGHT!

"I'm Marina... and you are the diamonds."
Oh goodness what an eventful day that must have been! I've always wanted to feel the adrenaline rush of listening to live music with a bunch of people who share the same love of music. The girl who was peeing was a bit gross, but you did get something out of it!
great pics, dear! and I really like her songs too) xoxo
visit my blog please)
love, Yulia
omg you don't understand how jealous i am of you! aha i love charli she is my fave singer. her album, true romance, is amazing! and i can't believe you went to the frank ocean concert last summer! he is sick! do you like odd future? xx
You should definitely go to a concert! Amazing experience! :-)
Thanks so much! x
Haha! I've heard of Odd Future but I haven't actually listen to any of their songs! I'll give it a try!! :-)
In response to your last comment - I really wish I wasn't graduating this year because I really want to meet you!!! How did you manage to stumble across my blog?! :-)
Great photos! Looks so fun :)
Please feel free to enter my latest giveaway (here) - you could win yourself an Hermes/Homies sweater!x
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My sister told me about your blog and everyday now I've been looking at it it's amazing! :)
wooaaahhhh such a coo day ya :)