I have a confession... I have never ever...

slept over a friend's house! Never. I'm only allowed to sleep over my cousins' houses or school field trips but other than that, my parents only allow my friends to sleep over here!!! My best friends have known that ever since I met them and with that said...

all of them were taken back as to how I was allowed to go to Michael's cottage!!! I guess I should never say never!!

I might have been allowed because I'm 18 or... I might have went against my parent's wishes... whatever it was...

I had a memorable time with ma clique!!!! Hehe :-)

We literally got 3 hours of sleep the night before... or I know I did! Michael's after party for prom ended late and I had to get up early to pack my bags. I had a great sleep on the way there though!

Not going to lie... Jere, Alex and I were all nagging about Matt's country playlist in the car but it actually helped me sleep like a baby!!! Hahaha

We made a few pit stops for burgers and picked up groceries before arriving at Michael's beautiful cottage! It's nothing like the cottage I rented out last year!

The views were beautiful!!!

The first thing we did was swimming and I wasn't feeling like swimming... and I kinda wish I did join them because I ended up getting over 60 mosquito bites! I'm not even exaggerating here.

I look like a Dalmatian dog!!! They're all over my legs and whoever didn't believe me, I would raise up my pants and they'll just be like,

"Oh gawd Cindy, stap. Staaaap!" - Joycelyn's exact words. Hahaha!

I put so much bug repellent but ugh... it did not work for me. My friends got under 20 mosquito bites... my life is a joke! Hahahah

I actually don't mind having it all over my legs because I can just wear pants you know... but having one on my neck sorta makes it awkward at work... it looks like I got a hickie!!! Ugh. Hahahaha

The first night we jammed out to songs on my iPod and made s'mores before coming in to play Cards Against Humanity.

We ended the night with some ping pong, movies, junk food and late night chats before we all crashed!

The following day consisted of tanning,

clean showers (Holy crap, the pressure of his shower head was SO GOOD!),

and mini golfing!

We were all laughing at how Matt hit the felt into the water but I realized I shouldn't be laughing...

'cause I wasn't even able to hit the ball until my third try!! HAVE I MENTIONED THAT MY LIFE IS A JOKE? Hahaha

One of my favourite memory of Michael's cottage... I can probably speak for all my friends there too...

is the Sea-Doo. Oh gosh. We would go so fast and I thought I loved the feeling I got when I go down a hill with my bike but the feeling on this sea bike is even more amplified and...


Since it was our last night there together,

we all contributed and made a big feast!

I didn't get many photos after but the night basically ended with ping pong, booze, dancing, mint chocolate ice cream, truth or dare and most of us pulled all-nighters!

A memorable moment worth mentioning was when Alessia was explaining a game to us and once I put on this song, we all dropped everything we were doing and started moving our hips! Classic. Hahahaha

The next morning, we tried to do as many things as we can before we had to leave in the evening!

Michael busted out his speed boat for us on the last day and it was just a beautiful weather to go cruising!

The last thing we did before we left was go hiking. Yeah... most of us weren't having it! We were being complete divas (including me) about how hot it was, how there were so many flies and questioned if the view was even worth it!!?!?!?!?

Now that I look back... despite the humidity and mosquitos and branches stabbing us... I took one of my favourite photos here. :-)

Before we knew it, it was time to get packing to go home! We made a pitstop at a small pizza place before we all departed our ways

and before I went home to apply loads of After Bite gel on my hickies. Woo! That ointment does wonders and they aren't protruding anymore!!

I want to give a BIG THANKS to Michael for inviting us to his cottage, for giving us this fun experience and for the great memories that followed! x

Oh yeah! When I came home from the cottage, I checked my email and discovered the free concert I will be attending for my contest is...
MA BABY FRANK OCEAN AND I WILL REUNITE AGAIN!!!!!!! Crying. I'm really hoping the special guests will include Kanye West because I'm still not sick of his Yeezus album!!
WOAH WOAH. First off, WOAH. Lucky you! I hope Kanye shows up as a special guest! That would be wicked awesome! Secondly, I have never stayed at a friend's house. Even at 21 (22 in a few days), my parents will never let me stay over at a friend's house. Not until I move out, anyway.
Mosquitos are crazy. I always use Banana Boat as sunblock since they repeal mosquitos away (at least for me they do).