Yesterday I hung out with my high school bestie, Jessica!!!! I love how even though we both attend different schools, things are still the same! I'm serious when I say that we (and Maddy and Jeremy and David) still talk to each other every single day on Facebook. This conversation has been going on since July and we still haven't run out of things to talk about!

In one of our previous conversations, Jessie brought up how she wanted to visit Bobbette and Belle for macarons, so I thought it was a perfect chance for me to treat her to them as a belated birthday present! We tried them yesterday with a cup of their signature hot chocolate! For someone who doesn't really drink hot chocolate, I gulped that thing down so quick because it was that good!
We walked around Leslieville afterwards, just laughing and linking arms and it was sorta like we were living our vision! I still remember vividly last year how Jess and I would fantasize going to University downtown together (before I decided to accept my offer for elsewhere... oops) and we were getting so excited about the whole idea of spending a wad of cash on Starbucks and going window shopping with each other daily! Hahaha

Afterwards, we ended the night like how we usually did during the summer -- with a movie!!! We watched Gravity with our high school pal who was visiting from Nova Scotia for her long weekend, Lana!!!! Eeek!!! I think my grandma actually misses her more than I do because she still asks me if Lana will come over weekly to drink our milk... wut

Jesus Christ -you gotta tell me where this is because everything looks fantastic. Also, isn't friendship amazing, especially the kind with friends that don't need to hang 24/7 but still remain as close as ever.
Love little sweet things! :) This place looks so cute and tidy
By the way, Hi! My name is Susan and I'm a new follower! Nice to meet you.
Already fell in love with your storytelling and your picture quality is great.
Oh you just made me want some macaroons! :))
Nice blog!
Nichie!!! It's on Queen Street East! :)
Aw, thanks so much! I'm so happy to have you here!! x
Thank you! x