I've been neglecting my blog for almost two weeks now and I want to apologize to those who have been looking forward to an update from me!! Its just that.. I've been trying to find a balance between work, yoga, volunteering, and social life!! Thank goodness I have a blog because it seriously reminds me to go out and hang with the people I love!

Thiya and I hung out today and it gave me a chance to practice with the lenses I got to borrow from the couple who hired me to shoot their WEDDING THIS SUNDAY! It's going to be my first wedding gig and I'm so excited!!! I took their engagement photos last weekend and I can't wait to share them with you guys!

So initially, Thiya and I were planning to have macaron ice cream (I'm so happy Toronto finally has them!!) but once we got there, the place was closed! Like wow, just our luck... the day we go is the only day they close during the week!

We hopped on a streetcar afterwards and decided to visit Nadege to get our macaron fix since we couldn't get it at the other place!

Once we got off the streetcar, we walked by Sweet Lulu and noticed how dainty the interior of their restaurant was through their glass windows. We decided to stop there for dinner and I'm so glad we did! I just love how they let you design your own thai dish! Even though Thiya and I both chose different ingredients, both of our dishes turned out so good!!

Afterwards, we stopped by Nadege to pick up a few macarons and tarts to go!

Our afternoon basically consisted of exploring alleys, eating macarons on the patio, dodging cars, spending hours on a park bench and laughing our heads off! The day didn't go as planned (let's be real... when do they ever???) but I still enjoyed every minute of it! xx


Ah awesome pictures and lovely blog! I was wondering what camera do you have? And, how did you learn to do photography?
Thanks so much!! It really means a lot. I currently use the Canon Rebel T3i and I learned photography by just simply practicing! :-)