When my mom saw me buying a disposable camera for my friends' wedding last summer, she told me she actually has a film camera buried somewhere in the garage that I could use instead.

I didn't think she'd be able to find it in time, so I ended up buying the one-time-use camera. She found it a week later and it happened to be exactly the same camera that I was about to buy on eBay! She said she bought it for me when I was four years old, so that I could bring it to the splash pad, but I was too young to figure out how to use it at the time.

It was in brand new condition and has never been used. I immediately bought batteries and three rolls of film that night, and have taken it with me everywhere these last four months. 

Looking back on all these photos, I realized that I should aim the camera higher because I cut off Daniel's head in many photos...

I also realized that it was always these peoplenot where I live or workthat made me feel most at home.