Today was one of those blessed days! You know, the days where my late starts and first period spare falls on the same day!!! OoOh yeahh! Hahaha :-)

I've decided to use this valuable morning time to bake something! :-) It was my chance to regain myself after those unimpressive brownies I made at the beginning of the week. My friends were being TOO nice saying they were delicious but no no no nooo guys, that was not my best work and I will not settle!!! Hahaha

So today... I baked SNICKERDOODLES!

Have you ever tried a snickledoodle before?
Because I never. :-)
Do you know what a snickerdoodle is?
Because I didn't!!! :-)

It's basically a cookie rolled in sugar and cinnamon. I love cinnamon, and I think I was meant to love it since my mom named me CINdy... ;-)

There are so many recipes out there but I've decided to do Mrs. Field's signature recipe!!! I've bought cream of tartar during the winter break because I've been anticipating to bake these cookies but I don't know why I've been putting it off! I wish I didn't because these babies tasted amazing!

They're so easy to make!!! :-) I got kinda carried away with rolling it in the cinnamon and sugar though...

but HEY! There's nothing wrong with extra flavour (says my sister who puts ketchup with her fried rice.). :-) While my babies baked in the oven, it was my chance to paint my nails! Ah.. happy things. :-)

I was actually so impressed when they came out of the oven!!! My babies did not burn! Hell yeah, hell yeah! (That's my latest saying right now, and I can't stop saying it. Help.)

I didn't try them until I brought it to school and tried it with my four taste testers and... they were a crowd pleaser!!! :-) I also gave it to one random person in the hallway and all who tried it were questioning how it could be so good / soft / fluffy / perfectly round!!!

I honestly never tried a Snickerdoodle before and they haven't either ...so I really don't know if this is how they're supposed to taste like! Hahaha This recipe is going to be a keeper either way! :-) CLICK HERE for the recipe!

I've also decided to have lunch with my grandma before school today and I thought it was nice... well ...besides the fact that she giggles every time I got squirted in the eye with a clementine... it was nice!!! :-)

My go to top right now is this black cashmere jumper I stumbled upon at Winners! I don't even know why I was looking in the XL section but who would've thought I would find this perfect little thing in there! It is slightly big for me but I think it's the perfect oversized jumper! Now I'm on the hunt for a perfect grey one before the season ends. :-)

I have a thing for accessorizing black with gold details and Jessie is the complete opposite! Hahaha

Ah, look at my pretty friend, Jessie. :-)

The day ended like it usually does... with my walk home with Cody!!! :-)

I've known him since seventh grade and we practically walk home together every day - ever since grade 9!

Besides the fact that he has a cool garage door,

he's also one of my really good friends!!! We have heart to hearts every now and then and he basically gets me. No, no, no, we don't have feelings for each other that way!!! Hahaha

He's just one of those really good people in my life that I'm really happy to have... and that I know I will try to keep! :-) I don't want to end this on a cheesy note so here is a last minute giggle!

Speaking of phones, my sister just came home with her new and exclusive, Samsung Galaxy Mini (about the same size as an iPhone 4)... that's only available in Europe right now!

Gurrl be upgradin' from her Blackberry Curve, damn!
these look so delicious!!! i love snickerdoodles and your photos are seriously gorgeous!! <3
The DayLee Journal
Aw!! Thank you so much! :-)
true love.
Hey, I stumbled onto your blog earlier when I was reading 'ring my bell' new post and I have been reading your posts nearly all day, so i thought I should start following you :) I love your photographs as well!
Kim x
Those snickerdoodles look AMAMAMAMZZZZING! My mouth is watering! WOWOWOWOWO!!! And love how you sprinkled cinnamon on them..yummmmmmm!!!!
xoBeckerman Girls
Yessssss :-)
Wow! That's so nice of you to say and I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you!!! :-)
Hahahah! Thank you! :-)
OMG your blog is fab! And those snickerdoodles look to-die-for! GIRL WHERE DID YOU GET THAT GORGEOUS GOLD RING! I love it. Haha :)
xx Julia
THANK YOU SO MUCH! :-) I got it from Aldo Accessories!
Thank you! :-)
omg such a fun post:-) your blog is amazing!! check out our's if you like: http://fromarmanitozurich.blogspot.ch
lots of love :-)
I`ve never heard of snickerdoodles before, but they look very delicious :)
Thank you! :-) I definitely will!
You gotta try them!!!